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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.

Your search found 14 taxa in the family Alliaceae, Onion family, as understood by Weakley's Flora.


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Spring Starflower, Spring Star, Star of Bethlehem

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Ipheion uniflorum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Tristagma uniflorum   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Ipheion uniflorum 041-34-001   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Commonly cultivated, escaping to lawns, suburban woodlands, bottomlands, disturbed places


Non-native: South America


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Field Garlic, Wild Onion, Onion-grass, Crow Garlic

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Allium vineale   FAMILY: Alliaceae

INCLUDING PLANTS National Database: Allium vineale ssp. vineale   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium vineale 041-35-001   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Lawns, pastures, other disturbed places

Common (uncommon in GA Coastal Plain)

Non-native: Eurasia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Wild Onion, Meadow Garlic

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium canadense   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium canadense var. canadense   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium canadense var. canadense 041-35-002a   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Bottomland forests, pastures, roadsides


Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


drawing of Allium mobilense, Mobile Onion need picture of Allium mobilense, Mobile Onion need picture Allium mobilense, Mobile Onion need picture of Allium mobilense, Mobile Onion need picture of Allium mobilense, Mobile Onion
range map

speaker icon Common Name: Mobile Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium mobilense   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium canadense var. mobilense   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium canadense var. mobilense 041-35-002b   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Dry woodlands, prairies

Uncommon in GA, rare in Carolinas

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Cuthbert's Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Allium cuthbertii   FAMILY: Alliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Allium cuthbertii   FAMILY: Liliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium cuthbertii 041-35-003   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Longleaf pine sandhills, other dry sandy areas


Native to South Carolina & Georgia


range map

camera icon Common Name: Keever’s Onion, Brushy Mountain Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Allium keeverae   FAMILY: Alliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Allium cuthbertii   FAMILY: Liliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium cuthbertii 041-35-003?   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: In thin soils around rock outcrops, receiving nutrient-rich seepage and occurring with many calciphiles

Rare (endemic to the Brushy Mountains in NC's nw. Piedmont (Alexander & Wilkes counties))

Native to North Carolina


range map

camera icon Common Name: Flatrock Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium speculae   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium speculae   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Seepy edges of vegetation mats on Lithonia granitic gneiss and on sandstone in ne. AL


Native to Georgia & possibly South Carolina


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Wild Leek, Yorktown Onion, Elephant Garlic

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Allium ampeloprasum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

(?) PLANTS National Database: Allium ampeloprasum   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium ampeloprasum 041-35-004   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Roadsides and other disturbed areas


Non-native: Eurasia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Nodding Onion, Nodding Wild Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium cernuum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

INCLUDING PLANTS National Database: Allium cernuum var. cernuum   FAMILY: Liliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium cernuum 041-35-005   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Generally in open woodlands or around outcrops of shale, mafic, ultramafic, or calcareous rocks, in the mountains at low elevations

Uncommon in NC, rare in GA & SC

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

camera icon Common Name: Glade Onion, Prairie Onion

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium stellatum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Allium stellatum   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Limestone glades, calcareous prairies, calcareous barrens


Native to Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Red Ramps, Rampscallions, Wild Leek

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium tricoccum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium tricoccum   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium tricoccum 041-35-007   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Cove forests and mesic slope forests

Common in NC Mountains, uncommon in GA

Native to North Carolina & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Narrowleaf Ramps, White Ramps

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium burdickii   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium burdickii   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Northern hardwood forests, primarily at higher elevations than A. tricoccum, also in cove forests and rich slopes


Native to North Carolina & Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: False Garlic, Grace Garlic

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Nothoscordum bivalve   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Nothoscordum bivalve   FAMILY: Liliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Allium bivalve 041-35-008   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Around granite flatrocks, in glades and barrens of various kinds, in open woodlands, prairies, and also weedy in fields and along roadsides

Common (rare in Carolina Mountains)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


drawing of Allium sativum, Cultivated Garlic need picture of Allium sativum, Cultivated Garlic need picture Allium sativum, Cultivated Garlic need picture of Allium sativum, Cultivated Garlic need picture of Allium sativum, Cultivated Garlic
range map

speaker icon Common Name: Cultivated Garlic

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Allium sativum   FAMILY: Alliaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Allium sativum   FAMILY: Liliaceae


Habitat: Gardens, trash heaps, fields; commonly cultivated, rarely occurring as a waif or persistent in gardens


Non-native: Eurasia


Your search found 14 taxa. You are on page PAGE 1 out of 1 pages.

"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life." — John Muir